
Behaviour Consults

Behaviour Consults are structured and tailored for
the individual dog and their guardians.

Behaviour Consults are delivered via Video Call or in-person, restrictions/behaviour dependant. Whilst reactivity is my special subject, other behaviour problems addressed include, but not limited to are:

  • Anxiety
  • Chasing cars, joggers, cyclists
  • Guarding food or toys
  • Excessive barking
  • Marking
  • Noise sensitivity
  • Firework phobia
  • Fear based behaviour – especially reacting towards other dogs

NOTE: If a behaviour has started suddenly, please have your Veterinarian give your dog a check up before a Behaviour Consult. Pain, illness or injury can change a dog’s character dramatically and must be ruled out first.

Step 1)  Fill in the questionnaire with as much detail as possible.

Step 2)  Make an appointment.

Step 3)  We will have a Video call to go through your form, talk through the problem, identify why and when this problem is happening and give you an immediate management plan. Book next appointment within 2 weeks.

Step 4)  Your tailored Behaviour Modification plan will be formulated and delivered at the second consult via Video call or in-home visit, restrictions/behaviour dependant. You will then have the knowledge to start training and changing your dog’s behaviour. Book follow up call within 2 weeks.

Step 5)  The follow up call is where any tweaks or alterations to the plan can be made.

Email/phone support will be given throughout the whole process.

NOTE: I work closely with a number of qualified professionals and if needed, can refer on if the behaviour problem is their speciality.

Cost £220, fuel charges applied over 10 miles.

    Your Details

    Dog's Details

    Gender *
    Neutered *

    Your Dog's Behaviour

    Other Behavioural Issues


    Vet Contact * Do we have your permission to contact your vet about your dog's behaviour if necessary?

    Background Information

    Household Information

    Diet and Feeding





    Vehicle Outings

    Grooming and Handling





    I agree to the Terms and Conditions and I consent to the information submitted being shared with Animal Behaviour Consultations where necessary.

    Once you click the Submit you'll see a spinning icon whilst the form is being checked, If the form doesn't clear, it's likely that there's a problem with one of the questions. Please scroll up looking for an errors in red, correct any issues and try submitting the form again.